At the Wick you can dive on sheer walls, overhangs, swimmthroughs and several caverns.
Name Dive Site: | Wick |
Depth: | 32-98ft (10-30m) |
Inserted/Added by: | westwalesdivers |
Rated: | Rated not yet |
Specifications: | ![]() |
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The Wick is a fantastic, different dive-site on the south side of Skomer Island. Unfortunately, part of this spot is only open to divers during the month of August as the rest of the time it is protected because of the seal colonies and birds nesting. However, the divesite extends outwards and there are accessible parts to it all year round.
The wick is an inlet cut into Skomer Island. The best part to dive is the SE side of it, which at the mouth of the inlet, shear drops down to about 24m-27m. If you then continue in towards the shore, the wall slowly turns into an overhang. The overhang continues for most of the dive, and in certain areas becomes a cavern. In places, you're actually about 10-15m in, under the cliff, with god knows how many thousands of tonnes of rock and earth above your head!
If you drop in further around i.e. south side (beware of the current), the wall once again is shear this time to 30m, but there are a couple of caverns and swimthroughs that are worth visiting. Big lobsters and crayfish all along here, however, as you are still in the reserve, it's most definitely, a no take policy.
TIPS: Be careful of currents during spring tides, and have a look at the site to see where to drop the divers in based on which way the current is running. If the wind is SW to NW don't even try as it blows into this site. Depth is 35m max on the southern tip but the rest of the time is between 10m and 25m mid way along the wall. Always carry a delayed SMB with you as when your doing your safety stops you could end up anywhere. Be wary of continuing along and out of the Wick area towards Mews Stone due to currents. Be respectful of the no go areas during the year. Consult with the dive shop if you're not sure. Intermediate level dive providing they stick to their depth profiles.
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