The old quarry Pump Works and the 2m square concrete Block House are fun to explore.
Name Dive Site: | Pump Works & Block Houses |
Depth: | 42-78ft (13-24m) |
Inserted/Added by: | vobster |
Rated: | Rated not yet |
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Back when Vobster Quay was still an operational limestone quarry, a number of small structures were built on and near the quarry face to provide the quarry workers with safe areas for observation and storage. Many still remain in place today and are well worth a visit once you've explored the larger attractions. Stepping off the quayside and descending down to 13m, you'll find the first of these - a 2m square concrete Block House that provides a perfect platform for diver training. Constructed entirely of concrete, the block house is just large enough for a diver to squeeze inside but we wouldn't recommend you try it - turning around once inside is very difficult and it doesn't take much to reduce visibility to zero!
Near the center section of the aircraft wreck in the western section of the lake, you'll find what remains of the old quarry Pump Works. Lying just a few fin kicks from the center section of the aircraft in slightly deeper water, the pump works provides a useful and interesting navigational aide near the aircraft.
Characterized by a series of pipes running down the side of the quarry that meet at a brick wall in 22m of water, the pump works still has its corrugated iron roof despite three of its walls collapsing inwards. On the inside of the remaining wall, you'll find the ultimate in dodgy electrics - a large electrical switch box of the type that wouldn't look out of place in an old Frankenstein movie!
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